IAME I-GAMES 2021 - Portimao

10 Nov. 2021 - 14 Nov. 2021

#No.CategoryDriverEntrantHeatPosting TimePenalty
141347X30 SENIORLEON CarlosFA RACING SPAINFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
140407X30 SENIORPYLKA OliDHRFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
139409X30 SENIORAFONSO PETERS FredericoEKOFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
138252X30 SENIORGONZALEZ MORENO EloiMONLAU COMPETICIÓNFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
137418X30 SENIORPIERRE EdgarVICTORYLANE KARTINGFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
136397X30 SENIORLEUNG JasonKR SPORTFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
135259X30 SENIORBUTCHER SeanKR SPORTFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
134416X30 SENIORMARTINS DiogoJUNIOR RACING TEAMFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
133220X30 SENIORBÁBÍČKOVÁ TerezaTEPZ RACING TEAMFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
132411X30 SENIORPHARAMOND EthanPRIVATEERFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
131147X30 JUNIORVERDOOLD BasENERGY CORSE BENELUXFinalThursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the FINAL | Reason: Diqualification for not respecting the track limit (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
13039X30 JUNIORARIAS CHAVARRI IvanAC MOTORSPORTFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
12932X30 JUNIORALUJA OLESTI JoanMDC RACINGFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
128141X30 JUNIORPRATT-THOMPSON CameronOPTIMA PERFORMANCEFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
127142X30 JUNIORCACHADA PedroPLC KARTINGFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
126135X30 JUNIORBIRD LewisOPTIMA PERFORMANCEFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
12528X30 JUNIORRABIN KevinSPIRIT-RACING.CHFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
124150X30 JUNIORGOMES TomásPAULO PITA RACING TEAMFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
12335X30 JUNIORBENITO FERRER AdrianMOL RACINGFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
122147X30 JUNIORVERDOOLD BasENERGY CORSE BENELUXFinalThursday - 15:55+3s download
Statement: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor | Reason: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor. Art 2.20 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions
121101X30 JUNIORSTILP GabrielCROC PROMOTIONFinalThursday - 15:55+3s download
Statement: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor | Reason: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor. Art 2.20 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions
120820X30 MINIMACEDO AntonioDINO MOTORSPORTFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
119989X30 MINIMIGUEZ GAYOSO ManuelPAROLIN SPAINFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
118962X30 MINIBAGLIN NoahOLIVER ROWLAND MOTORSPORTFinalThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
117825X30 MINIMARQUES DA SILVA GustavoEKOFinalThursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in the FINAL. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
116930X30 MINIZUNZARREN PEREZ RaulMONLAU COMPETICIÓNFinalThursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in the FINAL. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
115262X30 SENIORSLEATOR JpRED WAFT RACINGPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Pre-Final. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
114222X30 SENIORJANSSEN DrekeDAN HOLLAND RACINGPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
113397X30 SENIORLEUNG JasonKR SPORTPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
112404X30 SENIORDOORGEEST JesseCABO DO MUNDOPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
111228X30 SENIORBÁBÍČKOVÁ PetraTEPZ RACING TEAMPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
110246X30 SENIORFLEMING ThomasDHRPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Pre-Final. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
10978X30 JUNIORGRANADA FERRERO NataliaKIDSTOWINPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight
108147X30 JUNIORVERDOOLD BasENERGY CORSE BENELUXPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10s penalty in the heat above | Reason: 10s penalty for not respecting the track limit (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
107135X30 JUNIORBIRD LewisOPTIMA PERFORMANCEPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
106142X30 JUNIORCACHADA PedroPLC KARTINGPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
10528X30 JUNIORRABIN KevinSPIRIT-RACING.CHPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
10412X30 JUNIORDOMINGUEZ ESPINOSA EduardoMOL RACINGPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
103147X30 JUNIORVERDOOLD BasENERGY CORSE BENELUXPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
10235X30 JUNIORBENITO FERRER AdrianMOL RACINGPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Pre-Final. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
101142X30 JUNIORCACHADA PedroPLC KARTINGPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Pre-Final. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
100148X30 JUNIORLONGLEY SamuelSTRAWBERRY RACING 🍓Pre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Pre-Final. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
99930X30 MINIZUNZARREN PEREZ RaulMONLAU COMPETICIÓNPre Final 1-36Thursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight
98817X30 MINISANTOS TEIXEIRA GabrielaARTPre Final 1-36Thursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
97821X30 MINIMENESES MartimJUNIOR RACING TEAMPre Final 1-36Thursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
96995X30 MINIBELOFSKY KitFUSION MOTORSPORTPre Final 1-36Thursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Pre-Final. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
95930X30 MINIZUNZARREN PEREZ RaulMONLAU COMPETICIÓNPre Final 1-36Thursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Pre-Final. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
94383X30 SENIORHUGO BrunKBK COMPETITIONSecond Chance Heat 31-66Thursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
93412X30 SENIORGONÇALVES David FranciscoNORMA RACINGSecond Chance Heat 31-66Thursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
92408X30 SENIORRIBEIRO Santiago Da CostaEKOSecond Chance Heat 31-66Thursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
91261X30 SENIORDHAHRI SamiVICTORYLANE KARTINGSecond Chance Heat 31-66Thursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
90108X30 JUNIORMACEDO FranciscoDINO MOTORSPORTSecond Chance Heat 31-66Thursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Second Chance Heat. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
89128X30 JUNIORDOUGHTY BenCROC PROMOTIONSecond Chance Heat 31-66Thursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Second Chance Heat 31-66. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
88409X30 SENIORAFONSO PETERS FredericoEKOQualifying Heat B-CThursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line (art 2.20 G CIK General Prescriptions)
87409X30 SENIORAFONSO PETERS FredericoEKOQualifying Heat B-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
86399X30 SENIORENGLAND OranOHRQualifying Heat B-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
85417X30 SENIORNICOLET GabrielVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat B-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
84383X30 SENIORHUGO BrunKBK COMPETITIONQualifying Heat B-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
83401X30 SENIORVIEIRA LucasPRIVATEERQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
82397X30 SENIORLEUNG JasonKR SPORTQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
81404X30 SENIORDOORGEEST JesseCABO DO MUNDOQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-D. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
80316X30 SENIORMONNOT AlexandreVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-D. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
79819X30 MINILEE MinjaeART PRO RACINGQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
78820X30 MINIMACEDO AntonioDINO MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
77818X30 MINILOBO TomásRACQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
76956X30 MINICUNHA GustavoFORMULA MOTORSPORT ACADEMYQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
75819X30 MINILEE MinjaeART PRO RACINGQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-D. Warning Flag After the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
7459X30 JUNIORGENE CASANOVAS EricMOL RACINGQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat B-D. | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity
7342X30 JUNIORBISHOP MacauleyOLIVER ROWLAND MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification in Qualifying Heat B-D. | Reason: Disqualification for bad manoeuvre (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
7259X30 JUNIORGENE CASANOVAS EricMOL RACINGQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-D. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
71148X30 JUNIORLONGLEY SamuelSTRAWBERRY RACING 🍓Qualifying Heat A-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
70147X30 JUNIORVERDOOLD BasENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat A-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
6928X30 JUNIORRABIN KevinSPIRIT-RACING.CHQualifying Heat A-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
68256X30 SENIORVALLVE SantiagoMDC RACINGQualifying Heat A-CThursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat A-C | Reason: Disqualified for bad behaviour. Art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions
67304X30 SENIORJOHNSTON AlexCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat B-EThursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat B-E. | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity
66413X30 SENIORSANTOS RodrigoDINOMOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
65408X30 SENIORRIBEIRO Santiago Da CostaEKOQualifying Heat B-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
64221X30 SENIORMACKIE LewisFUSION MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
63252X30 SENIORGONZALEZ MORENO EloiMONLAU COMPETICIÓNQualifying Heat B-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-E. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
62245X30 SENIORHOVELACQUE BenjaminVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat B-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-E. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
61222X30 SENIORJANSSEN DrekeDAN HOLLAND RACINGQualifying Heat A-CThursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for causing an incident | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for causing an incident (Art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
60259X30 SENIORBUTCHER SeanKR SPORTQualifying Heat A-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
59345X30 SENIORPINHEIRO BernardoPARKALGARQualifying Heat A-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
58401X30 SENIORVIEIRA LucasPRIVATEERQualifying Heat A-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
57817X30 MINISANTOS TEIXEIRA GabrielaARTQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat A-D. | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity
56414X30 SENIORHARRISON FinlayMDL RACINGQualifying Heat A-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-C. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
55404X30 SENIORDOORGEEST JesseCABO DO MUNDOQualifying Heat A-CThursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line (art 2.20 G CIK General Prescriptions)
54817X30 MINISANTOS TEIXEIRA GabrielaARTQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
53919X30 MINICUTHBERT MaxFUSION MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-D. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
52811X30 MINIJONES JensonCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10 seconds penalty for completely leaving corridor | Reason: 10 seconds penalty for completely leaving corridor. Art 2.20 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions
51919X30 MINICUTHBERT MaxFUSION MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55+3s download
Statement: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor | Reason: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor. Art 2.20 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions
50819X30 MINILEE MinjaeART PRO RACINGQualifying Heat B-CThursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10 seconds penalty for completely leaving corridor | Reason: 10 seconds penalty for completely leaving corridor. Art 2.20 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions
49819X30 MINILEE MinjaeART PRO RACINGQualifying Heat B-CThursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line (art 2.20 G CIK General Prescriptions)
48922X30 MINIGRAHAM JensonFUSION MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
47108X30 JUNIORMACEDO FranciscoDINO MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
4635X30 JUNIORBENITO FERRER AdrianMOL RACINGQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
45117X30 JUNIORKIM JunhoART PRO RACINGQualifying Heat A-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
4476X30 JUNIORBURGOYNE Harry JnrSTRAWBERRY RACING 🍓Qualifying Heat B-CThursday - 15:55 download
Statement: Fine of 400 Euros. | Reason: The Stewards received the report of the Technical Delegate. The mechanic of the Driver no. 76 was working on the kart ( controle of tyer pression ) after Qualifying Heat B-C and before the scale. After the hearing of Entrant and Driver, the Panel of the Stewards decides a fine of 400 Euros for violation of Article 2.14 D) and art. 2.23 C of CIK-FIA General Presciptions. The decision is made following art. 2.24 of the CIK-FIA General Prescriptions
43147X30 JUNIORVERDOOLD BasENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat B-CThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
42304X30 SENIORJOHNSTON AlexCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat D-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
41411X30 SENIORPHARAMOND EthanPRIVATEERQualifying Heat D-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
40260X30 SENIORLARTIGAU LazareVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-BThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-B. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
39404X30 SENIORDOORGEEST JesseCABO DO MUNDOQualifying Heat A-BThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-B. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
38410X30 SENIORSERODIO FranciscoCABO DO MUNDO KARTEAMQualifying Heat A-BThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
37970X30 MINIMELLO RomeuPRIVATEERQualifying Heat A-BThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
36935X30 MINIARIAS CHAVARRI BoscoAC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-BThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-B. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
3543X30 JUNIORFLUXA CROSS LucasAC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat C-DThursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for causing an incident | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for causing an incident (Art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
34156X30 JUNIORFEDERICH LucasAC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat C-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat C-D. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
3378X30 JUNIORGRANADA FERRERO NataliaKIDSTOWINQualifying Heat C-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
32155X30 JUNIORDOS SANTOS ALVES SantiagoESCOLA DE KARTING DO OESTEQualifying Heat C-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
31147X30 JUNIORVERDOOLD BasENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat C-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
3062X30 JUNIORDUROSNE KimiVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-BThursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat A-B. | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity
29108X30 JUNIORMACEDO FranciscoDINO MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-BThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
28142X30 JUNIORCACHADA PedroPLC KARTINGQualifying Heat A-BThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
27142X30 JUNIORCACHADA PedroPLC KARTINGQualifying Heat A-BThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-B. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
26399X30 SENIORENGLAND OranOHRQualifying Heat C-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
25417X30 SENIORNICOLET GabrielVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat C-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
24400X30 SENIORCAIXEIRINHO TomasPRIVATEERQualifying Heat C-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
23401X30 SENIORVIEIRA LucasPRIVATEERQualifying Heat A-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
22304X30 SENIORJOHNSTON AlexCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat A-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
21404X30 SENIORDOORGEEST JesseCABO DO MUNDOQualifying Heat A-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
20261X30 SENIORDHAHRI SamiVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
19345X30 SENIORPINHEIRO BernardoPARKALGARQualifying Heat A-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-E. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
1842X30 JUNIORBISHOP MacauleyOLIVER ROWLAND MOTORSPORTWarm Up EvenThursday - 15:55 download
Statement: Fine of 200 Euros. | Reason: unsportive behavior
17213X30 SENIORLACREUSE EnzoLKRQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-D. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
16278X30 SENIORWALKER AaronSTRAWBERRY RACING 🍓Qualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55 download
Statement: Cancellation of the penalty at the session concerned (given following Stewards Decision Document No. 10.) | Reason: Cancellation of penalty given by doc. No. 10.
15413X30 SENIORSANTOS RodrigoDINOMOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
14383X30 SENIORHUGO BrunKBK COMPETITIONQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
13260X30 SENIORLARTIGAU LazareVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
12228X30 SENIORBÁBÍČKOVÁ PetraTEPZ RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
11316X30 SENIORMONNOT AlexandreVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
9279X30 SENIORBODET-COLAROFF JulianLYKTQualifying Heat C-EThursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat C-E. | Reason: Disqualification for bad manoeuvre (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
8304X30 SENIORJOHNSTON AlexCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat C-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
7221X30 SENIORMACKIE LewisFUSION MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat C-EThursday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
6220X30 SENIORBÁBÍČKOVÁ TerezaTEPZ RACING TEAMQualifying Heat C-EThursday - 15:55+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat C-E. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
5156X30 JUNIORFEDERICH LucasAC MOTORSPORTQualifying Practice Group 2Thursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Practice Group 2. | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity
4253X30 SENIORSILVA MiguelTDKARTQualifying Practice Group 3Thursday - 15:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Practice Group 3 . | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity
3245X30 SENIORHOVELACQUE BenjaminVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Practice Group 1Thursday - 15:553 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Cancellation of the 3 best laptimes during the session concerned | Reason: Cancellation of the 3 best laptimes for blocking (2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
2821X30 MINIMENESES MartimJUNIOR RACING TEAMQualifying Practice Group 1Thursday - 15:553 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Cancellation of the three best lap times in Qualifying Practice Group 1. | Reason: Cancellation of the best laptimes for ignoring flag signals (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
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