IAME Winter Cup 2022 - Valencia

2 Feb. 2022 - 6 Feb. 2022

#No.CategoryDriverEntrantHeatPosting TimePenalty
261245X30 SENIORGENE CASANOVAS EricMOL RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
260284X30 SENIORMONNOT AlexandreVICTORYLANE KARTINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
259242X30 SENIORSTILP GabrielCROC PROMOTIONFinal 1-36Sunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
258220X30 SENIORBABICKOVA PetraTEPZ RACING TEAMFinal 1-36Sunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
257230X30 SENIORJUPP ConnorPRIVATEERFinal 1-36Sunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
256234X30 SENIORRATEL AndyKBK COMPETITIONFinal 1-36Sunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
255218X30 SENIORFLEMING ThomasDAN HOLLAND RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 15:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the Final. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
254911X30 MINIALLEMANN DanSPIRIT-RACING.CHFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:59DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the FINAL. | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity
25353X30 JUNIORDAHLSTRÖM AlexanderKH RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
252142X30 JUNIORMARTÍ HugoPAROLIN SPAINFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
251152X30 JUNIORMOURA DE OLIVEIRA HenriqueMONLAU COMPETICIÓNFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
25017X30 JUNIORBIENAIMÉ ElouanVFDMAFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
24936X30 JUNIORDOMINGUEZ EduardoMOL RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
24814X30 JUNIORJOSLYN HenryMICK BARRETT RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
24629X30 JUNIORCARANTA JulesJANA RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
24554X30 JUNIORFERRER AdrianMOL RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
24468X30 JUNIORBISHOP MacauleyDAN HOLLAND RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
24353X30 JUNIORDAHLSTRÖM AlexanderKH RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:57+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for causing an incident | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for causing an incident (Art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
24268X30 JUNIORBISHOP MacauleyDAN HOLLAND RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:34+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
24124X30 JUNIORPEREZ SANCHEZ SandroALC MOTORSPORTFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:34+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
24014X30 JUNIORJOSLYN HenryMICK BARRETT RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:34+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat xxx. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
23934X30 JUNIOROUTRAN ClementVDK RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 15:04+10s download
Statement: 10 seconds penalty for completely leaving corridor | Reason: 10 seconds penalty for completely leaving corridor. Art 2.20 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions
238916X30 MINIMANNI AndreaJANA RACINGFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
237930X30 MINIFAGOT StanPB KARTFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
236965X30 MINIDOMAIN HenryOLIVER ROWLAND MOTORSPORTFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
235921X30 MINIMC LOUGHLIN JackTEAM DRIVERFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
234932X30 MINIMARQUES MartimFUSION MOTORSPORTFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:12+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in the FINAL. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
233965X30 MINIDOMAIN HenryOLIVER ROWLAND MOTORSPORTFinal 1-36Sunday - 14:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
232222X30 SENIORBIRD LewisOPTIMASuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Super Heat 2. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
231214X30 SENIORLEUNG JasonKR SPORTSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:07+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Super Heat 2. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
230250X30 SENIORGAUBERT AchilleKBK COMPETITIONSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Super Heat 2. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
229226X30 SENIORDURAN JanMONLAU COMPETICIONSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
228250X30 SENIORGAUBERT AchilleKBK COMPETITIONSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
227279X30 SENIORLLOP JonahVICTORYLANE KARTINGSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
226229X30 SENIORMOULSDALE AngusPRIVATEERSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
225243X30 SENIORSOUBIROU EliottPB KARTSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
224299X30 SENIORHOVELACQUE BenjaminVICTORYLANE KARTINGSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
223292X30 SENIORMOAR UrbeltzPRIVATEERSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
222273X30 SENIORCLERET LunaKART IN PRO COMPETITIONSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
221257X30 SENIORBRUN HugoKBK COMPETITIONSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
220260X30 SENIORMUSTIENES AdriaKIDS TO WINSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
219281X30 SENIORDHAHRI SamiVICTORYLANE KARTINGSuper Heat 2Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
218262X30 SENIORDA COSTA RIBEIRO SantiagoESCOLA DE KARTING DO OESTESuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:44+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
217285X30 SENIORPEREIRA MARTINS DiogoKR-SPORTSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:42+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
216252X30 SENIORGILTAIRE EvanVDK RACINGSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:42+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
215265X30 SENIORPAUL AlbertoKARTINPROSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:42+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
214219X30 SENIORBABICKOVA EliskaTEPZ RACING TEAMSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:42+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
213223X30 SENIORHJORVARD VigorKH RACING TEAMSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
212272X30 SENIORFEDERICH LucasALC MOTORSPORTSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
211274X30 SENIORARIAS IvanAC MOTORSPORTSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
210220X30 SENIORBABICKOVA PetraTEPZ RACING TEAMSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
209294X30 SENIORRABIN KevinSPIRIT-RACING.CHSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
208280X30 SENIORLARTIGAU LazareVICTORYLANE KARTINGSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
207294X30 SENIORRABIN KevinSPIRIT-RACING.CHSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:38+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Super Heat 1. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
206286X30 SENIORBESSON HugoVDK RACINGSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:36+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Super Heat 1. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
205285X30 SENIORPEREIRA MARTINS DiogoKR-SPORTSuper Heat 1Sunday - 11:30+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Super Heat 1. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
20421X30 JUNIORGERLING HectorSPIRIT-RACING.CHSuper Heat 2Sunday - 11:15+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
20323X30 JUNIORBARBOSA PedroPRIVATEERSuper Heat 2Sunday - 11:15+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
20220X30 JUNIORGAMA DiegoSPIRIT-RACING.CHSuper Heat 2Sunday - 11:15+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
20174X30 JUNIORSMITH BenM.B.RSuper Heat 2Sunday - 11:15+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
20019X30 JUNIORVOS RinseENERGY CORSE BENELUXSuper Heat 2Sunday - 11:15+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
19914X30 JUNIORJOSLYN HenryMICK BARRETT RACINGSuper Heat 2Sunday - 11:15+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
19826X30 JUNIORGRANADA FERRERO MarcKIDS TO WINSuper Heat 2Sunday - 11:15+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
19752X30 JUNIORGOMES TomásTDKARTSuper Heat 1Sunday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
19632X30 JUNIORBEARMAN ThomasKR SPORTSuper Heat 1Sunday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
19549X30 JUNIORLATORRE VEGA HugoPRIVATEERSuper Heat 1Sunday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
19418X30 JUNIORMARTINELLO HugoJANA RACINGSuper Heat 1Sunday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
193152X30 JUNIORMOURA DE OLIVEIRA HenriqueMONLAU COMPETICIÓNSuper Heat 1Sunday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Super Heat 1. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
19251X30 JUNIORRYBA MatúsMDCRACINGSuper Heat 1Sunday - 10:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Super Heat 1. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
191155X30 JUNIORVERDOOLD BasENERGY CORSE BENELUXSuper Heat 1Sunday - 10:45+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Super Heat 1. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
190930X30 MINIFAGOT StanPB KARTSuper Heat 2Sunday - 10:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
189917X30 MINICUNHA GustavoFUSION MOTORSPORTSuper Heat 1Sunday - 10:13+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
188916X30 MINIMANNI AndreaJANA RACINGSuper Heat 1Sunday - 10:12+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Super Heat 1. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
187227X30 SENIORSILVA MiguelTDKARTQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 18:29+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
186225X30 SENIORGONZALEZ MORENO EloiMONLAU COMPETICIÓNQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 18:26+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
185237X30 SENIORALUJA OLESTI JoanMDC RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 18:26+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
184223X30 SENIORHJORVARD VigorKH RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 18:26+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
183257X30 SENIORBRUN HugoKBK COMPETITIONQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 18:26+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
182294X30 SENIORRABIN KevinSPIRIT-RACING.CHQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 18:26+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
181244X30 SENIORLEEK WilgotKH RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 18:26+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
180299X30 SENIORHOVELACQUE BenjaminVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 18:26+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
179268X30 SENIORMARTINEZ JORNET AlexAC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 18:26+10s download
Statement: 10s penalty in the heat above | Reason: 10s penalty for not respecting the track limit (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
178298X30 SENIORHEIJMANS BeauKH-RACING/JDKARTSPORTSQualifying Heat C-ESaturday - 18:09DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat C-E. | Reason: Disqualification for bad manoeuvre (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
177263X30 SENIORHEDIN SebastianKR SPORTQualifying Heat C-ESaturday - 17:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
176222X30 SENIORBIRD LewisOPTIMAQualifying Heat C-ESaturday - 17:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
175285X30 SENIORPEREIRA MARTINS DiogoKR-SPORTQualifying Heat C-ESaturday - 17:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
174212X30 SENIORCOX JackMDL MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat C-ESaturday - 17:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
173250X30 SENIORGAUBERT AchilleKBK COMPETITIONQualifying Heat C-ESaturday - 17:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
172282X30 SENIORDOUGHTY BenCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat C-ESaturday - 17:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
171285X30 SENIORPEREIRA MARTINS DiogoKR-SPORTQualifying Heat C-ESaturday - 17:38+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat C-E. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
170263X30 SENIORHEDIN SebastianKR SPORTQualifying Heat C-ESaturday - 17:38+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat C-E. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
169986X30 MINIKHAN LaithFUSIONQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 17:30+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
168916X30 MINIMANNI AndreaJANA RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 17:30+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
167975X30 MINIYUILL MaxCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 17:30+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
166918X30 MINIHAGELEN DevonENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 17:19+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat A-C. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
165947X30 MINICOSTA BeatrizMONLAU COMPETICIÓNQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 17:12+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
164943X30 MINIVENANT Antoine SylvaRSD KARTINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 17:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
163911X30 MINIALLEMANN DanSPIRIT-RACING.CHQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 17:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
16274X30 JUNIORSMITH BenM.B.RQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 17:09+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat B-D. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
16133X30 JUNIORALLUM FreddieMICK BARRETT RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 17:07+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-D. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
16032X30 JUNIORBEARMAN ThomasKR SPORTQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 17:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
15953X30 JUNIORDAHLSTRÖM AlexanderKH RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 17:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
15836X30 JUNIORDOMINGUEZ EduardoMOL RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 17:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
15723X30 JUNIORBARBOSA PedroPRIVATEERQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 17:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
15651X30 JUNIORRYBA MatúsMDCRACINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-C. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
155155X30 JUNIORVERDOOLD BasENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:59+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-C. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
15426X30 JUNIORGRANADA FERRERO MarcKIDS TO WINQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
153155X30 JUNIORVERDOOLD BasENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
15227X30 JUNIORGRANADA FERRERO NataliaKIDS TO WINQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
151142X30 JUNIORMARTÍ HugoPAROLIN SPAINQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
15065X30 JUNIORYUILL HarryCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
14952X30 JUNIORGOMES TomásTDKARTQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
14817X30 JUNIORBIENAIMÉ ElouanVFDMAQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:54+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat A-C. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
147249X30 SENIORJANSSON PatrikKH RACINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:36+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
146284X30 SENIORMONNOT AlexandreVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:36+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
145223X30 SENIORHJORVARD VigorKH RACING TEAMQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:36+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
144279X30 SENIORLLOP JonahVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:36+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
143213X30 SENIORJALADE HugoWIN KARTQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:36+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
142299X30 SENIORHOVELACQUE BenjaminVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:36+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
141295X30 SENIORRODELLA AlviseTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:36+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
140226X30 SENIORDURAN JanMONLAU COMPETICIONQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:36+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
139266X30 SENIORQUEIROZ FranciscaTD KARTQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
138292X30 SENIORMOAR UrbeltzPRIVATEERQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
137294X30 SENIORRABIN KevinSPIRIT-RACING.CHQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
136239X30 SENIORROUSSANNE CharlesKBKQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
135217X30 SENIORVOS MikaENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
134251X30 SENIORFAYT OlivanVDKQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-D. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
133299X30 SENIORHOVELACQUE BenjaminVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 16:28+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-D. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
132240X30 SENIORMÜHLEBACH NicolasUBIQ RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:41DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat B-E. | Reason: Disqualified for non permitted assistance in pre grid area (Art. 2.22 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions)
131222X30 SENIORBIRD LewisOPTIMAQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
130240X30 SENIORMÜHLEBACH NicolasUBIQ RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
129273X30 SENIORCLERET LunaKART IN PRO COMPETITIONQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
128219X30 SENIORBABICKOVA EliskaTEPZ RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
127286X30 SENIORBESSON HugoVDK RACINGQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
126236X30 SENIORCARENINI DannyTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
125245X30 SENIORGENE CASANOVAS EricMOL RACINGQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
124257X30 SENIORBRUN HugoKBK COMPETITIONQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
123211X30 SENIORLE GALLAIS GaspardSPIRIT-RACING.CHQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
122282X30 SENIORDOUGHTY BenCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
121262X30 SENIORDA COSTA RIBEIRO SantiagoESCOLA DE KARTING DO OESTEQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
120233X30 SENIORVANMEERT SitaEGP RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
119293X30 SENIORSTILLER PeterTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
118276X30 SENIORKALTEREN HenkiePRIVATEERQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
117230X30 SENIORJUPP ConnorPRIVATEERQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:07+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
116271X30 SENIORRODRIGUEZ MARTOS DavidMDC RACINGQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 16:23+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat B-E. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
115942X30 MINIKRASAUSKAS ElvisMDCRACINGSaturday - 17:49 download
Statement: Fine of 250,- Euros. | Reason: Startng up the Engines in Padock
114920X30 MINIPRADIER ThomasPB KARTQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 14:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
113930X30 MINIFAGOT StanPB KARTQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 14:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
112991X30 MINIDETROJA JagratMONLAU COMPETICIÓNQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 14:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
111948X30 MINIMEUNIER SennaDHAESERACINGQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 14:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
110910X30 MINIBAGLIN NoahORMQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 14:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-C. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
109290X30 SENIORLODMAN MaximilianKH RACINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:15DSQ download
Statement: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight
108243X30 SENIORSOUBIROU EliottPB KARTQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
107285X30 SENIORPEREIRA MARTINS DiogoKR-SPORTQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
106272X30 SENIORFEDERICH LucasALC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
105217X30 SENIORVOS MikaENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
104270X30 SENIORNATURIL CABO HugoAC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
103296X30 SENIORSANZ JaimeKR MOTORSPORT SRLQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
102283X30 SENIORNICOLET GabrielVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
101243X30 SENIORSOUBIROU EliottPB KARTQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 13:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-C. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
10040X30 JUNIORMARTINEZ RaulECK MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
9974X30 JUNIORSMITH BenM.B.RQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
9846X30 JUNIORTHEVENY RafaelPRIVATEERQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
9728X30 JUNIORDUPE AndreaTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
96142X30 JUNIORMARTÍ HugoPAROLIN SPAINQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
9536X30 JUNIORDOMINGUEZ EduardoMOL RACINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
9481X30 JUNIORMONTEIRO NoahVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
9365X30 JUNIORYUILL HarryCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-D. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
9249X30 JUNIORLATORRE VEGA HugoPRIVATEERQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:49+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat B-C | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for leaving the track (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
91155X30 JUNIORVERDOOLD BasENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
9023X30 JUNIORBARBOSA PedroPRIVATEERQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
8921X30 JUNIORGERLING HectorSPIRIT-RACING.CHQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
8849X30 JUNIORLATORRE VEGA HugoPRIVATEERQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
8727X30 JUNIORGRANADA FERRERO NataliaKIDS TO WINQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
8611X30 JUNIORCLARK CathalVICTORY LANE KARTINGQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
8537X30 JUNIORROBINSON LeoFUSIONQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:42+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-C. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
8421X30 JUNIORGERLING HectorSPIRIT-RACING.CHQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:40+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat B-C | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
8347X30 JUNIORPERAL RESURRECCION JanMDC RACINGQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-C. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
8254X30 JUNIORFERRER AdrianMOL RACINGQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:27+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-C. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
8152X30 JUNIORGOMES TomásTDKARTQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:17+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-C. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
80929X30 MINIANDRADE BARROS JoaoMONLAU COMPETICIÓNQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 13:05+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat C-D. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
79272X30 SENIORFEDERICH LucasALC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 13:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
78293X30 SENIORSTILLER PeterTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 13:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
77283X30 SENIORNICOLET GabrielVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 13:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
76230X30 SENIORJUPP ConnorPRIVATEERQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 13:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
75222X30 SENIORBIRD LewisOPTIMAQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 12:50+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
74211X30 SENIORLE GALLAIS GaspardSPIRIT-RACING.CHQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 12:47+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
73275X30 SENIORMALIZIA ArnaudAUTOEUROPEOQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 12:47+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
72260X30 SENIORMUSTIENES AdriaKIDS TO WINQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 12:47+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
71234X30 SENIORRATEL AndyKBK COMPETITIONQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 12:47+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
70364X30 SENIORBOYA MariMONLAU COMPETICIÓNQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 12:47+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
69260X30 SENIORMUSTIENES AdriaKIDS TO WINQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 13:22+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking under yellow flag conditions | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking under yellow flag conditions (Art2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
68934X30 MINIMARTINEZ LeonieECK MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 13:22DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat A-B | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity
67938X30 MINISIMONS TORRES AngelinaAC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:28+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
66935X30 MINIBARRY-BERG MariePRIVATEERQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:28+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
65945X30 MINITAAL LuukENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:28+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
64941X30 MININIKISHOV NikitaALC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:28+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
63988X30 MINIHOANG ArthurDHAESE TEAMQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:47DSQ from competition download
Statement: Disqualification from the Competition | Reason: Disqualification for ignoring of Technical flag and Black flag
62986X30 MINIKHAN LaithFUSIONQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 13:02+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat A-B. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
61939X30 MINICRUZ SANCHEZ MaxMAX TEAMQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:25+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line (art 2.20 G CIK General Prescriptions)
6074X30 JUNIORSMITH BenM.B.RQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 12:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
5952X30 JUNIORGOMES TomásTDKARTQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
5851X30 JUNIORRYBA MatúsMDCRACINGQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
5715X30 JUNIORSPANSWICK EdenPRIVATEERQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
5681X30 JUNIORMONTEIRO NoahVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
55239X30 SENIORROUSSANNE CharlesKBKQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:55DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat C-D. | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity
5421X30 JUNIORGERLING HectorSPIRIT-RACING.CHQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
5321X30 JUNIORGERLING HectorSPIRIT-RACING.CHQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:55+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line and starting from the wrong position | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line (art 2.20 G CIK General Prescriptions)
5211X30 JUNIORCLARK CathalVICTORY LANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-B. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
5140X30 JUNIORMARTINEZ RaulECK MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:47+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line (art 2.20 G CIK General Prescriptions)
50250X30 SENIORGAUBERT AchilleKBK COMPETITIONQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
49229X30 SENIORMOULSDALE AngusPRIVATEERQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
48270X30 SENIORNATURIL CABO HugoAC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:27+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
47263X30 SENIORHEDIN SebastianKR SPORTQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:27+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
46212X30 SENIORCOX JackMDL MOTORSPORTSaturday - 11:25+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat C-D. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
45283X30 SENIORNICOLET GabrielVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:20+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
44364X30 SENIORBOYA MariMONLAU COMPETICIÓNQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:20+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
43279X30 SENIORLLOP JonahVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:20+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
42217X30 SENIORVOS MikaENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:20+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
41220X30 SENIORBABICKOVA PetraTEPZ RACING TEAMQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:20+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
40262X30 SENIORDA COSTA RIBEIRO SantiagoESCOLA DE KARTING DO OESTEQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:20+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
39219X30 SENIORBABICKOVA EliskaTEPZ RACING TEAMQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:17DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat A-B. | Reason: Disqualification for bad manoeuvre (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
38217X30 SENIORVOS MikaENERGY CORSE BENELUXQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:08+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat A-B. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for leaving the track (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
37221X30 SENIORTRENTIN GiovanniPANTANO RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-CFriday - 17:16+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
36233X30 SENIORVANMEERT SitaEGP RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-CFriday - 17:16+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
35269X30 SENIORBALOTA SamPRIVATEERQualifying Heat B-CFriday - 17:16+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
34218X30 SENIORFLEMING ThomasDAN HOLLAND RACINGQualifying Heat B-CFriday - 17:16+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
33237X30 SENIORALUJA OLESTI JoanMDC RACINGQualifying Heat B-CFriday - 17:16+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
32287X30 SENIORMARGUGLIO AdrienRSD KARTINGQualifying Heat B-CFriday - 17:13+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
31299X30 SENIORHOVELACQUE BenjaminVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 17:13DSQ download
Statement: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight
30294X30 SENIORRABIN KevinSPIRIT-RACING.CHQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 16:58+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
29225X30 SENIORGONZALEZ MORENO EloiMONLAU COMPETICIÓNQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 16:58+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
28227X30 SENIORSILVA MiguelTDKARTQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
27266X30 SENIORQUEIROZ FranciscaTD KARTQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
26248X30 SENIORGANA PhilipCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
25258X30 SENIORCOSTA FranciscoMONLAU COMPETICIÓNQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
24226X30 SENIORDURAN JanMONLAU COMPETICIONQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
23299X30 SENIORHOVELACQUE BenjaminVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
22239X30 SENIORROUSSANNE CharlesKBKQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 16:54+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
21284X30 SENIORMONNOT AlexandreVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 16:54+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing
20225X30 SENIORGONZALEZ MORENO EloiMONLAU COMPETICIÓNQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 16:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat D-E. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
19142X30 JUNIORMARTÍ HugoPAROLIN SPAINQualifying Practice Group 2Friday - 15:582 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Cancellation of the 2 best laptimes during the session concerned | Reason: Cancellation of the 2 best laptimes (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
18251X30 SENIORFAYT OlivanVDKQualifying Practice Group 2Friday - 14:39 download
Statement: Fine of 250,- Euros. | Reason: The starting up, running in, warming up or testing of kart engines in the padock as well as in the reserved Areas ( see art 20 of the ISC) is strictly prohibited Violation against art 2.14 Q of the 2022 FIA-CIK General priscription . The Stewards decided in application of aforementioned article and art. 2.24 of the 2022 FIA-CIK General priscription .
17219X30 SENIORBABICKOVA EliskaTEPZ RACING TEAMQualifying Practice Group 1Friday - 14:52 download
Statement: Fine of 250,- Euros. | Reason: The starting up, running in, warming up or testing of kart engines in the padock as well as in the reserved Areas ( see art 20 of the ISC) is strictly prohibited Violation against art 2.14 Q of the 2022 FIA-CIK General priscription . The Stewards decided in application of aforementioned article and art. 2.24 of the 2022 FIA-CIK General priscription .
16292X30 SENIORMOAR UrbeltzPRIVATEERFriday - 14:26 download
Statement: Formal Reprimand | Reason: Formal Reprimand
15229X30 SENIORMOULSDALE AngusPRIVATEERFriday - 15:15 download
Statement: Formal Reprimand | Reason: Formal Reprimand
14213X30 SENIORJALADE HugoWIN KARTFriday - 16:12 download
Statement: Formal Reprimand | Reason: Formal Reprimand
1328X30 JUNIORDUPE AndreaTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTSaturday - 10:02 download
Statement: Formal Reprimand | Reason: Formal Reprimand
1215X30 JUNIORSPANSWICK EdenPRIVATEERSaturday - 09:52 download
Statement: Formal Reprimand | Reason: Formal Reprimand
11965X30 MINIDOMAIN HenryOLIVER ROWLAND MOTORSPORTFriday - 13:56 download
Statement: Formal Reprimand | Reason: Formal Reprimand
219X30 JUNIORVOS RinseENERGY CORSE BENELUXNon Qualifying Practice 2 Group 2Friday - 10:573 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Cancellation of the three best lap times achieved in Qualifying Practice. | Reason: Cancellation of the 3 best laptimes for ignoring flag signals (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
1295X30 SENIORRODELLA AlviseTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTNon Qualifying Practice 1 Group 3Friday - 10:292 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Cancellation of the three best lap times achieved in the Qualifying practice | Reason: Cancellation of the best laptimes for ignoring flag signals (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
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