IAME Warrior Final 2024: Zuera

26 Nov. 2024 - 6 Dec. 2024

#TitlePosting Time

Stewards Decision n° 194

Saturday - 12:20 download

Bulletin n° 7

NEW Timetable Saturday 30/11/2024

Friday - 16:57 download

Stewards Decision n° 192

Friday - 16:57 download

Provisional Timetable for Friday and Saturday

Thursday - 20:52 download

Decision 110

Thursday - 19:35 download

Steward decision

Thursday - 12:34 download

Bulletin n° 5

Modification Art. 15.2 Mini and Art. 17.3 Junior-Senior -Masters Technical Regulations

Tuesday - 15:06 download

Bulletin n° 4

Modification Art. 14.6 - Technical Regulation - Mini

Tuesday - 15:04 download

Bulletin n°3

Modification Art. 8.2 of the Sporting Regulations

Tuesday - 15:04 download

Bulletin no 2

Summoning to the stewards office

Tuesday - 08:46 download

Bulletin no 1

Modifications of the Supplementary Regulations

Tuesday - 08:46 download
#No.CategoryDriverCompetitorHeatPosting TimePenalty
220275X30 SENIORDOMINGUEZ ESPINOSA Eduardo BIREL ART RACING FinalSaturday - 16:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
219324X30 SENIORMACHADO Alexandre TBKART RACING TEAM SRL FinalSaturday - 16:29+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
218291X30 SENIORAARON Ferrazzano  EUROKARTING  FinalSaturday - 16:29+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
217276X30 SENIORWOLFE Noah BIREL ART RACING FinalSaturday - 16:25+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for not respecting track limits (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
216224X30 SENIORLANTINGA Kevin CROC PROMOTION FinalSaturday - 16:25+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
215305X30 SENIORLLOYD Freddie FUSION MOTORSPORT FinalSaturday - 16:25+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
214429X30 MASTERSOULIE Julien CKR FinalSaturday - 16:25DSQ from competition download
Statement: Disqualification from the Competition | Reason: Disqualification from the Competition (art. 2.15 H General Prescriptions)
213325X30 SENIOROUTRAN Clement TBKART RACING TEAM SRL FinalSaturday - 16:25+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
210105X30 JUNIORBAUTISTA DELICH Jose  CLUBKALIKART FinalSaturday - 16:25+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
209217X30 SENIORRAMAEKERS Thibaut VDK FinalSaturday - 16:25+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
208285X30 SENIORLO PICCOLO Marc PB KART FinalSaturday - 15:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
208305X30 SENIORLLOYD Freddie FUSION MOTORSPORT FinalSaturday - 15:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
208313X30 SENIORMOYA RubenPANTANO RACING TEAM  FinalSaturday - 15:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
208341X30 SENIORBOUILLEZ Yanis Jeremy PeclezFinalSaturday - 15:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
208228X30 SENIORBUCKLEY Jack BRENNAN TECH FinalSaturday - 15:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
208324X30 SENIORMACHADO Alexandre TBKART RACING TEAM SRL FinalSaturday - 15:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
208325X30 SENIOROUTRAN Clement TBKART RACING TEAM SRL FinalSaturday - 15:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
208261X30 SENIORGONZÁLEZ MORENO Eloi BIREL ART RACING FinalSaturday - 15:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
208242X30 SENIORCASABENE Pip Adam LindstromFinalSaturday - 15:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
208312X30 SENIORCHAOS Pol AUTO CLUB RC2 VALLES FinalSaturday - 15:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
208224X30 SENIORLANTINGA Kevin CROC PROMOTION FinalSaturday - 15:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
2061X30 JUNIORMACKIE Harrison FUSION MOTORSPORT FinalSaturday - 14:52+5s download
Statement: Disqualification from the above mentioned session | Reason: Disqualification for not respecting track limits (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
20581X30 JUNIORMALIK Nilas  VICTORYLANE KARTING FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for not respecting flag signals (art. 2.15 H CIK General Prescriptions)
20491X30 JUNIORBONHOMME Lucas DREAM RACING  FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for not respecting flag signals (art. 2.15 H CIK General Prescriptions)
203199X30 JUNIORDE DONCKER Arthur  RSD RACING FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for not respecting flag signals (art. 2.15 H CIK General Prescriptions)
2021X30 JUNIORMACKIE Harrison FUSION MOTORSPORT FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
20141X30 JUNIORDE RAEDEMAEKER Stig FUSION MOTORSPORT FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
20063X30 JUNIORGOFF Lewis PREMIUM KARTING FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
198106X30 JUNIORHELDER Jorn FUSION MOTORSPORT FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
19763X30 JUNIORGOFF Lewis PREMIUM KARTING FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
19757X30 JUNIOROWEN Archie BMR FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
19759X30 JUNIORKELLEHER Daniel DMS FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
197106X30 JUNIORHELDER Jorn FUSION MOTORSPORT FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
19744X30 JUNIORGARCIA DIAZ Nicolas BIREL ART RACING FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
19710X30 JUNIORALLEMANN Dan SPIRIT-KARTING.CH FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
19781X30 JUNIORMALIK Nilas  VICTORYLANE KARTING FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
19743X30 JUNIORCLANCY Conor VICTORY LANE KARTING FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
19779X30 JUNIORRANA Yug AUTO CLUB RC2 VALLÈS FinalSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
19623X30 JUNIORSENNA Meunier RSD RACING  FinalSaturday - 14:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
195586X30 MINIMORALES Nuvola BIREL ART RACING FinalSaturday - 13:38+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
191545X30 MINIBOUCHARD Antton  BOUCHARD  Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 16:32DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for bad manoeuvre (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
190514X30 MINIPORTER Teddy-Jay JAMIE GREEN RACING Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 16:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
190607X30 MINIMIQUEL PRIETO Jorge CLUB KALI KARTQualifying Heat B-CFriday - 16:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
190587X30 MINIAUGUSTIN Baptiste  XCEL Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 16:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
190562X30 MINISCICLUNA Zack KALI KART BY JORGE PESCADOR Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 16:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
190535X30 MINIKENNEY Oscar XCEL Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 16:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
190516X30 MINISØRLIE SMISTAD Ole Alexander SK SERVICEQualifying Heat B-CFriday - 16:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
189534X30 MINIFOLEY JNR John DMS Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 16:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
187554X30 MININOBS Mathis LKM RACING Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 15:44+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
186569X30 MINILØFSHUS Lucas Emiil GÅ`CO RACING Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 15:44+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
185239X30 SENIORHAFSTAD Timian TEAM PRO-KARTING Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:41DSQ from competition download
Statement: Disqualification from the competition | Reason: Disqualification from the competition (art. 2.3.3 CIK General Prescriptions)
184326X30 SENIORSACHSE Bertram FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:35DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for technical non conformity (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
183524X30 MINIILYAS Sami JAMIE GREEN RACING Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 15:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
183595X30 MINIKWONG Mason Alexander DRM RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 15:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
183558X30 MINIBUHOFER SUNDRANI Aaron SPIRIT-KARTING.CH  Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 15:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
183530X30 MINIIBBOTSON Zachary GGM Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 15:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
182279X30 SENIORSMITH Joseph  VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
181279X30 SENIORSMITH Joseph  VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
180279X30 SENIORSMITH Joseph  VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
180231X30 SENIORGAUCI Kian ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
180259X30 SENIORELDRIDGE Haydn BMR Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
180239X30 SENIORHAFSTAD Timian TEAM PRO-KARTING Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
180288X30 SENIORBRUN Hugo Annabelle BrianQualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
180241X30 SENIORGLUME Charly EUROKARTING  Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
180342X30 SENIORCLERET Luna PANTANO RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
180232X30 SENIORBAKKER Kevin FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
180293X30 SENIORALUJA OLESTI Joan MDC RACING Qualifying Heat C-HFriday - 15:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
17714X30 JUNIORLEHMANN Elias SPIRIT-KARTING.CH Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 15:13DSQ from competition download
Statement: Disqualification from the competition | Reason: Disqualification from the competition (art. 2.3.3 CIK General Prescriptions)
176235X30 SENIORVAN DER HEIJDEN Sem KCR RACING Qualifying Heat B-FFriday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
176313X30 SENIORMOYA RubenPANTANO RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat B-FFriday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
176233X30 SENIORPELTONIEMI Aleksi HAASE RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat B-FFriday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
176304X30 SENIORBOSTRÖM Maximilian AD MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-FFriday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
176338X30 SENIORMONTEBELLO LucaSalvatore MontebelloQualifying Heat B-FFriday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
176340X30 SENIORGRAY Michael CROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat B-FFriday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
176255X30 SENIORJIN Tian ZANCHI MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-FFriday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
176220X30 SENIORMICALLEF Kyle KALI KART BY JORGE PESCADOR Qualifying Heat B-FFriday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
176203X30 SENIORPOLA FilippoZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-FFriday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
175248X30 SENIORVILAÇA Rodrigo KR MOTORSPORT SRL Qualifying Heat B-FFriday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
174252X30 SENIORSACHSE Lauritz FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat D-GFriday - 14:59+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
174253X30 SENIORBIGI Alessandro VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat D-GFriday - 14:59+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
174251X30 SENIORRADECK Maximiano VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat D-GFriday - 14:59+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
174205X30 SENIORMOORE Morgan PREMIUM KARTING Qualifying Heat D-GFriday - 14:59+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
174301X30 SENIORBARBE Matis CASTELLET KART RACING Qualifying Heat D-GFriday - 14:59+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
174243X30 SENIORLUNDBØ William PAROLIN SPAIN Qualifying Heat D-GFriday - 14:59+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
174206X30 SENIORBENNETT Cj  VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat D-GFriday - 14:59+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
173314X30 SENIORAUMAITRE MathisKBK COMPETITIONQualifying Heat B-FFriday - 14:59+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
172345X30 SENIORBESSON  Hugo  VDK RACING Qualifying Heat D-GFriday - 14:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
171205X30 SENIORMOORE Morgan PREMIUM KARTING Qualifying Heat D-GFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
170254X30 SENIORBLANCHEMAIN MaximeVICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
169234X30 SENIORVIA NicoGM FUEL Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
168215X30 SENIORBAYER Marlon SPIRIT-KARTING.CH Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
167223X30 SENIORHIRSCH Niklas SIM-ON Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167215X30 SENIORBAYER Marlon SPIRIT-KARTING.CH Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167307X30 SENIORBÄTTIG Chiara  VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167244X30 SENIORBISHOP Macauley MDC RACING Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167329X30 SENIORTHOMPSON William VDK Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167246X30 SENIORLEE Kyuho EGP RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167322X30 SENIORWAHLSTRÖM Martin TALVAR RACING Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167234X30 SENIORVIA NicoGM FUEL Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167289X30 SENIORRAD Victor Alexandru ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167238X30 SENIORFAHLKE Zino LAREA GT1 RACING Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167306X30 SENIORMERCIECA Kyle ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167344X30 SENIORHANSEN Thomas  PANTANO RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
167335X30 SENIORALATORRE Mariano MDC RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
166128X30 JUNIORDEL PORTILLO HUMANES Jaime GM FUEL Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
1659X30 JUNIORNIKISHOV Nikita ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
1641X30 JUNIORMACKIE Harrison FUSION MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
16348X30 JUNIORMIFSUD Dario Joey KALI KART BY JORGE PESCADOR  Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
16283X30 JUNIORBARRY-BERG Marie  VDK Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
162129X30 JUNIORSILKUNAITE Vanessa  VDK RACING Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16222X30 JUNIORBROASCA Javier MDC RACING Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16226X30 JUNIORGENOLET Alexis LKM RACING Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16238X30 JUNIORHIGGINS Kaiden DREAM RACING  Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16247X30 JUNIORMINCIUNA David MOL RACING Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
1621X30 JUNIORMACKIE Harrison FUSION MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16233X30 JUNIORSABIROV Amir MDC RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16248X30 JUNIORMIFSUD Dario Joey KALI KART BY JORGE PESCADOR  Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16280X30 JUNIORMOHR Moritz VDK Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16299X30 JUNIORENGLISH Jamie BRENNAN TECH Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16183X30 JUNIORBARRY-BERG Marie  VDK Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
16017X30 JUNIORREILLY Scott VICTORY LANE  Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 14:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16058X30 JUNIORMARTINEZ Raul Luis ECK MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 14:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16086X30 JUNIORPRUDENT Maxime  DREAM RACING  Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 14:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16044X30 JUNIORGARCIA DIAZ Nicolas BIREL ART RACING Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 14:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
160128X30 JUNIORDEL PORTILLO HUMANES Jaime GM FUEL Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 14:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16037X30 JUNIORWING THUNG Katrina Ee PREMIUM KARTING Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 14:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16070X30 JUNIORPIÑERA RUSIÑOL Roc AUTO CLUB RC2 VALLES Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 14:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
16054X30 JUNIORGJERDE Adrian PAROLIN SPAIN Qualifying Heat B-CFriday - 14:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15827X30 JUNIORDA SILVA Gustavo BIREL ART RACING Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 14:15+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
15750X30 JUNIORLOPES Afonso KR MOTORSPORT SRL Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 14:13DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for non respecting the Technical Flag (art. 2.15 H General Prescriptions)
15633X30 JUNIORSABIROV Amir MDC RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-FFriday - 14:07+3s download
Statement: 3 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 3 sec penalty for partly leaving corridor (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
15435X30 JUNIORLINES Finlay BIREL ART RACING Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
15331X30 JUNIORISLIN Lewis  CROC PROMOTION  Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15327X30 JUNIORDA SILVA Gustavo BIREL ART RACING Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15343X30 JUNIORCLANCY Conor VICTORY LANE KARTING Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15398X30 JUNIORPATEL Maayan CROC PROMOTION  Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
153131X30 JUNIOREL BOUZAKHI Mohamed Barbier RacingQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15318X30 JUNIORGALIMBERTI Andrea PANTANO RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15335X30 JUNIORLINES Finlay BIREL ART RACING Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15371X30 JUNIORFAHRUDDIN Zarief Rayqal DRM RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15325X30 JUNIORGRABKO Deven AD MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
153130X30 JUNIORWOODWARD Ethan BRIAN WOODWARDQualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15361X30 JUNIORPINTO Bernardo READYTORACE  Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15312X30 JUNIORGARROW Conrad ECK MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15356X30 JUNIORFAYE LUND Christian VDK RACING Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
153104X30 JUNIORREIJS Felipe  FUSION Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
15181X30 JUNIORMALIK Nilas  VICTORYLANE KARTING Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec penalty for completly leaving corridor (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
15019X30 JUNIORNÖLKEN Noah DUTT MOTORSPORT BY FENSTER.COM Qualifying Heat D-EFriday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
148429X30 MASTERSOULIE Julien CKR Qualifying Heat 3Friday - 13:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
147420X30 MASTERPICOT Nicolas Nicholas PicotQualifying Heat 3Friday - 13:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
146215X30 SENIORBAYER Marlon SPIRIT-KARTING.CH Qualifying Heat A-CFriday - 13:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
145254X30 SENIORBLANCHEMAIN MaximeVICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat A-CFriday - 13:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
144298X30 SENIORGABRICH Janec Mike LAREA GT1 RACING Qualifying Heat A-CFriday - 13:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
144288X30 SENIORBRUN Hugo Annabelle BrianQualifying Heat A-CFriday - 13:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
144343X30 SENIORSILKUNAS  Markas  VDK RACING Qualifying Heat A-CFriday - 13:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
144289X30 SENIORRAD Victor Alexandru ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-CFriday - 13:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
144299X30 SENIORSTARIKOV Max TALVAR RACING Qualifying Heat A-CFriday - 13:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
143247X30 SENIORCASTRO Diogo KR MOTORSPORT SRL Qualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
142202X30 SENIORBUCKLEY Robbie CROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat A-CFriday - 13:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
141247X30 SENIORCASTRO Diogo KR MOTORSPORT SRL Qualifying Heat A-EFriday - 13:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
140326X30 SENIORSACHSE Bertram FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
139284X30 SENIORMICALLEF Jacob ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
139322X30 SENIORWAHLSTRÖM Martin TALVAR RACING Qualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
139264X30 SENIORHENRIKSEN CasperZANCHI MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
139344X30 SENIORHANSEN Thomas  PANTANO RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
139329X30 SENIORTHOMPSON William VDK Qualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
139234X30 SENIORVIA NicoGM FUEL Qualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
139346X30 SENIORKINARD Tyron  VDK RACING Qualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
139293X30 SENIORALUJA OLESTI Joan MDC RACING Qualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
139306X30 SENIORMERCIECA Kyle ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
139262X30 SENIORGERAGHTY Cian GERAGHTY MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat E-HFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
138304X30 SENIORBOSTRÖM Maximilian AD MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat F-GFriday - 13:06DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for underweight (art. 3.4 Sporting Regulations)
137304X30 SENIORBOSTRÖM Maximilian AD MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat F-GFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
137212X30 SENIORBRANSTON Sam CROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat F-GFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
137301X30 SENIORBARBE Matis CASTELLET KART RACING Qualifying Heat F-GFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
137340X30 SENIORGRAY Michael CROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat F-GFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
137220X30 SENIORMICALLEF Kyle KALI KART BY JORGE PESCADOR Qualifying Heat F-GFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
137253X30 SENIORBIGI Alessandro VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat F-GFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
137338X30 SENIORMONTEBELLO LucaSalvatore MontebelloQualifying Heat F-GFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
137283X30 SENIORFERRARI Riccardo ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat F-GFriday - 13:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
136323X30 SENIORBARRY-BERG Marius VDK Qualifying Heat B-DFriday - 13:06DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for bad manoeuvre (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
134251X30 SENIORRADECK Maximiano VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat F-GFriday - 12:52+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
133226X30 SENIORNASSAR Georges VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat B-DFriday - 12:52DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for bad manoeuvre (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
132280X30 SENIORNIELSEN Knud HAASE RACING Qualifying Heat B-DFriday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
131226X30 SENIORNASSAR Georges VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat B-DFriday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
131336X30 SENIORTORT Lluis AUTO CLUB RC2 VALLES Qualifying Heat B-DFriday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
131332X30 SENIORRIBY HarveyCROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat B-DFriday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
131218X30 SENIORRUPPEN Timeo LKM RACING Qualifying Heat B-DFriday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
128609X30 MINIKARASSAS Simon FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-CFriday - 12:20+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
128571X30 MINIVD COTERLET Julian FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-CFriday - 12:20+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
127573X30 MINIELGAHOUDI Nahyl MDC RACING Qualifying Heat D-FFriday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
127595X30 MINIKWONG Mason Alexander DRM RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat D-FFriday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
127588X30 MINIPELFRENE TéoEKO Qualifying Heat D-FFriday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
127546X30 MINIBLAIR Charlie DMS Qualifying Heat D-FFriday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
127613X30 MINIKONOVALOV Artur  KRS KIDS RACING SCHOOL Qualifying Heat D-FFriday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
127688X30 MINILAWRENCE Ava JAMIE GREEN RACINGQualifying Heat D-FFriday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
126577X30 MINIGRIGNET Noah EUROKARTING Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 11:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
126611X30 MINISAMUEL  Hugon  XCEL Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 11:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
126587X30 MINIAUGUSTIN Baptiste  XCEL Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 11:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
126606X30 MINIMOUCHE Matisse RSD KARTING Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 11:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
126524X30 MINIILYAS Sami JAMIE GREEN RACING Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 11:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
125517X30 MINIENGAN AASEN Markus FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 11:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
124343X30 SENIORSILKUNAS  Markas  VDK RACING Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
123341X30 SENIORBOUILLEZ Yanis Jeremy PeclezQualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123279X30 SENIORSMITH Joseph  VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123244X30 SENIORBISHOP Macauley MDC RACING Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123232X30 SENIORBAKKER Kevin FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123229X30 SENIORPANES Florent Daniel PanésQualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123289X30 SENIORRAD Victor Alexandru ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123264X30 SENIORHENRIKSEN CasperZANCHI MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123223X30 SENIORHIRSCH Niklas SIM-ON Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123207X30 SENIORGRANADA Marc MOL RACING Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123238X30 SENIORFAHLKE Zino LAREA GT1 RACING Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123335X30 SENIORALATORRE Mariano MDC RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123318X30 SENIORCASTELLOZZI Roberto  TBKART RACING TEAM SRL Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
123346X30 SENIORKINARD Tyron  VDK RACING Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
122264X30 SENIORHENRIKSEN CasperZANCHI MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
121254X30 SENIORBLANCHEMAIN MaximeVICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:32 download
Statement: Fine of 100 Euros | Reason: Fine of 100€ for missing transponder (art. 13.4 Championship Sporting Regulations)
119318X30 SENIORCASTELLOZZI Roberto  TBKART RACING TEAM SRL Qualifying Heat A-HFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
118284X30 SENIORMICALLEF Jacob ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118294X30 SENIORMIGUEL Silva PANTANO RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118329X30 SENIORTHOMPSON William VDK Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118306X30 SENIORMERCIECA Kyle ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118287X30 SENIORGALE Austin Winston MDC RACING Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118233X30 SENIORPELTONIEMI Aleksi HAASE RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118203X30 SENIORPOLA FilippoZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118322X30 SENIORWAHLSTRÖM Martin TALVAR RACING Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118250X30 SENIORLANTINGA Roxanne LANTINGA RACING Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118235X30 SENIORVAN DER HEIJDEN Sem KCR RACING Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118336X30 SENIORTORT Lluis AUTO CLUB RC2 VALLES Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118263X30 SENIORAGNEW Luke DMSQualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118278X30 SENIORMARTINEZ Juan Felipe ECK MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
118273X30 SENIORKOWALEWSKI Patrice TD OFFICIAL RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
117266X30 SENIORBROWN Joey FUSION MOTORSPORT  Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
116306X30 SENIORMERCIECA Kyle ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-EFriday - 10:04DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for working on the Pre-Grid (art. 2.19.F i CIK General Prescriptions)
110271X30 SENIORWESS Eric KARTSHOP AMPFING Qualifying Heat C-GThursday - 16:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
110317X30 SENIORSEAH Isaac JAMIE GREEN RACINGQualifying Heat C-GThursday - 16:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
110315X30 SENIORMPOURAS Konstantinos  TBKART RACING TEAM SRL Qualifying Heat C-GThursday - 16:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
110320X30 SENIORCOMYN Louis DIAMOND Qualifying Heat C-GThursday - 16:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
110260X30 SENIORVENET Francois-Xavier FX TEAM KARTING Qualifying Heat C-GThursday - 16:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
107231X30 SENIORGAUCI Kian ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat C-GThursday - 14:42+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
106313X30 SENIORMOYA RubenPANTANO RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat D-FThursday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
106331X30 SENIORGLUME Markus EUROKARTING  Qualifying Heat D-FThursday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
106285X30 SENIORLO PICCOLO Marc PB KART Qualifying Heat D-FThursday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
106338X30 SENIORMONTEBELLO LucaSalvatore MontebelloQualifying Heat D-FThursday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
106290X30 SENIORPATEL Dylan PANTANO RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat D-FThursday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
106255X30 SENIORJIN Tian ZANCHI MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat D-FThursday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
106226X30 SENIORNASSAR Georges VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat D-FThursday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
106340X30 SENIORGRAY Michael CROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat D-FThursday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
105426X30 MASTERDELRE Thierry TD OFFICIAL RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat 2Thursday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
105423X30 MASTERDALY Mark BRENNAN TECH  Qualifying Heat 2Thursday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
105421X30 MASTERROMERO Philippe VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat 2Thursday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
105404X30 MASTERMICALLEF Keith Josef ZANCHI MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat 2Thursday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
104417X30 MASTERRINGELBERG Jim R RACING Qualifying Heat 2Thursday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
103404X30 MASTERMICALLEF Keith Josef ZANCHI MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat 2Thursday - 14:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
102404X30 MASTERMICALLEF Keith Josef ZANCHI MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat 2Thursday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
10183X30 JUNIORBARRY-BERG Marie  VDK Qualifying Heat A-DThursday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
10119X30 JUNIORNÖLKEN Noah DUTT MOTORSPORT BY FENSTER.COM Qualifying Heat A-DThursday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
10133X30 JUNIORSABIROV Amir MDC RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-DThursday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
10161X30 JUNIORPINTO Bernardo READYTORACE  Qualifying Heat A-DThursday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
10112X30 JUNIORGARROW Conrad ECK MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-DThursday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
10168X30 JUNIORRIS Yves FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-DThursday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
10141X30 JUNIORDE RAEDEMAEKER Stig FUSION MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-DThursday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
10083X30 JUNIORBARRY-BERG Marie  VDK Qualifying Heat A-DThursday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
9975X30 JUNIORPIÑERA RUSIÑOL Aleix AUTO CLUB RC2 VALLES Qualifying Heat C-EThursday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
9850X30 JUNIORLOPES Afonso KR MOTORSPORT SRL Qualifying Heat C-EThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
9725X30 JUNIORGRABKO Deven AD MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat C-EThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
97128X30 JUNIORDEL PORTILLO HUMANES Jaime GM FUEL Qualifying Heat C-EThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9731X30 JUNIORISLIN Lewis  CROC PROMOTION  Qualifying Heat C-EThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9717X30 JUNIORREILLY Scott VICTORY LANE  Qualifying Heat C-EThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
97131X30 JUNIOREL BOUZAKHI Mohamed Barbier RacingQualifying Heat C-EThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9777X30 JUNIORPETR Sarkisyan PANTANO RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat C-EThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9775X30 JUNIORPIÑERA RUSIÑOL Aleix AUTO CLUB RC2 VALLES Qualifying Heat C-EThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
97103X30 JUNIORJOHNSTON Evan DMS Qualifying Heat C-EThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9730X30 JUNIORGALE Toby  MDC RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat C-EThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9687X30 JUNIORMELIS Matteo TBKART RACING TEAM SRL Qualifying Heat B-FThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9693X30 JUNIORKREEFT Didier MEN Qualifying Heat B-FThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9658X30 JUNIORMARTINEZ Raul Luis ECK MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-FThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
96199X30 JUNIORDE DONCKER Arthur  RSD RACING Qualifying Heat B-FThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9679X30 JUNIORRANA Yug AUTO CLUB RC2 VALLÈS Qualifying Heat B-FThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9660X30 JUNIORBERND Emilio EB-SPORTPROMOTION Qualifying Heat B-FThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9648X30 JUNIORMIFSUD Dario Joey KALI KART BY JORGE PESCADOR  Qualifying Heat B-FThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9638X30 JUNIORHIGGINS Kaiden DREAM RACING  Qualifying Heat B-FThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9640X30 JUNIORANJAIMAN Janna DREAM RACING  Qualifying Heat B-FThursday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
9538X30 JUNIORHIGGINS Kaiden DREAM RACING  Qualifying Heat B-FThursday - 13:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
94524X30 MINIILYAS Sami JAMIE GREEN RACING Qualifying Heat A-EThursday - 13:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
94560X30 MINIPERUZZI Achilleas FUSION MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-EThursday - 13:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
92548X30 MINIHIBBERT Mayson  FUSION MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-DThursday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
92587X30 MINIAUGUSTIN Baptiste  XCEL Qualifying Heat B-DThursday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
92607X30 MINIMIQUEL PRIETO Jorge CLUB KALI KARTQualifying Heat B-DThursday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
92573X30 MINIELGAHOUDI Nahyl MDC RACING Qualifying Heat B-DThursday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
92589X30 MINICLARKE George OMS RACING Qualifying Heat B-DThursday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
92546X30 MINIBLAIR Charlie DMS Qualifying Heat B-DThursday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
91594X30 MINIPATTISON Colbe JAMIE GREEN RACING Qualifying Heat B-DThursday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec penalty for overtaking the pole positions before the start was given (art. 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
90532X30 MININARRAWAY Luca FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat C-FThursday - 10:25+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
90613X30 MINIKONOVALOV Artur  KRS KIDS RACING SCHOOL Qualifying Heat C-FThursday - 10:25+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
90554X30 MININOBS Mathis LKM RACING Qualifying Heat C-FThursday - 10:25+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
90541X30 MINISILVA LORA Mario MONLAU MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat C-FThursday - 10:25+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
89101X30 JUNIORALANKO Kimi FORCE RACING FINLAND Warm Up A-DThursday - 09:27 download
Statement: Formal Reprimand | Reason: The Stewards having received a report from the Judge of Facts (Doc n° 79), having examined this report, summoned and heard the Driver and Entrant concerned (Summon Doc n° 88), have considered the following matter, determine the following: _The above-mentioned Driver caused a collision with kart no. 45 at MP 2 to MP 3. _This fact is a violation against the Art. 3.6.2. e of the 2024 FIA International Sporting Code of Driving Conduct. _The Stewards impose this penalty according to Art. 3.6.2.e of the 2024 International Sporting Code of Driving Conduct and Art. 2.24 of the 2024 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions and Art.12.4 of the 2024 FIA International Sporting Code. The Competitor is reminded that, in accordance with Art. 28.4 of the 2024 Championship Sporting Regulations the above penalty is not susceptible to appeal.
87292X30 SENIORSTEENMAN Daan KCR RACING Qualifying Heat D-HThursday - 07:40DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for technical non conformity (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
86205X30 SENIORMOORE Morgan PREMIUM KARTING Qualifying Heat B-GWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
86269X30 SENIORHOGAN Sean BRENNAN TECH Qualifying Heat B-GWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
86336X30 SENIORTORT Lluis AUTO CLUB RC2 VALLES Qualifying Heat B-GWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
86203X30 SENIORPOLA FilippoZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat B-GWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
86237X30 SENIORSVAHN Vilmer CROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat B-GWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
86251X30 SENIORRADECK Maximiano VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat B-GWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
86260X30 SENIORVENET Francois-Xavier FX TEAM KARTING Qualifying Heat B-GWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
85323X30 SENIORBARRY-BERG Marius VDK Qualifying Heat D-HWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
85296X30 SENIORHURTADO GONZALEZ Alberto GM FUEL Qualifying Heat D-HWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
85206X30 SENIORBENNETT Cj  VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat D-HWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
85290X30 SENIORPATEL Dylan PANTANO RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat D-HWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
85342X30 SENIORCLERET Luna PANTANO RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat D-HWednesday - 17:11+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
84311X30 SENIORBIASATTI Cristian TBKART RACING TEAM SRL Qualifying Heat B-GWednesday - 17:11 download
Statement: Cancellation of the penalty given following Document No. 80 | Reason: Cancellation of the penalty given following Document No. 80
82225X30 SENIORLUQUE Fernando PREMIUM KARTING Qualifying Heat C-EWednesday - 16:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
81273X30 SENIORKOWALEWSKI Patrice TD OFFICIAL RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat B-GWednesday - 16:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
80311X30 SENIORBIASATTI Cristian TBKART RACING TEAM SRL Qualifying Heat B-GWednesday - 17:07+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
79300X30 SENIORTHIEBAUT Kempf Maitos RacingQualifying Heat C-EWednesday - 16:42DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for technical non conformity (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
78231X30 SENIORGAUCI Kian ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat C-EWednesday - 16:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
77219X30 SENIORBOUVIER Maxence 2N RACING Qualifying Heat C-EThursday - 09:44DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for bad manoeuvre (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
76287X30 SENIORGALE Austin Winston MDC RACING Qualifying Heat C-EWednesday - 16:29+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
75249X30 SENIORMCQUEEN Caden CROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat C-EWednesday - 16:29+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
75300X30 SENIORTHIEBAUT Kempf Maitos RacingQualifying Heat C-EWednesday - 16:29+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
75339X30 SENIORSAARINEN Jesse FORCE RACING FINLAND Qualifying Heat C-EWednesday - 16:29+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
72212X30 SENIORBRANSTON Sam CROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat A-FWednesday - 16:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
71302X30 SENIORKIVILO Aron TALVAR RACINGQualifying Heat A-FWednesday - 16:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
71255X30 SENIORJIN Tian ZANCHI MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-FWednesday - 16:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
71314X30 SENIORAUMAITRE MathisKBK COMPETITIONQualifying Heat A-FWednesday - 16:06+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
70254X30 SENIORBLANCHEMAIN MaximeVICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat A-FWednesday - 15:58+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
6911X30 JUNIORHOLMES Adam MDL MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:56+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for not respecting flag signals (art. 2.15 H CIK General Prescriptions)
6820X30 JUNIORPALM Hubertus FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for not respecting flag signals (art. 2.15 H CIK General Prescriptions)
6781X30 JUNIORMALIK Nilas  VICTORYLANE KARTING Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for not respecting flag signals (art. 2.15 H CIK General Prescriptions)
6622X30 JUNIORBROASCA Javier MDC RACING Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for not respecting flag signals (art. 2.15 H CIK General Prescriptions)
6589X30 JUNIOROLIVER SANCHEZ Daniel TBKART RACING TEAM SRL Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:51+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for not respecting flag signals (art. 2.15 H CIK General Prescriptions)
6416X30 JUNIORPURCELL Evan VDK Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6466X30 JUNIORKARAGIANNIS Nikolaos ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6451X30 JUNIORMC LOUGHLIN Jack BRENNAN TECH  Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6477X30 JUNIORPETR Sarkisyan PANTANO RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6425X30 JUNIORGRABKO Deven AD MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6483X30 JUNIORBARRY-BERG Marie  VDK Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6433X30 JUNIORSABIROV Amir MDC RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6472X30 JUNIORMACEDO Antonio Bruno MacedoQualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6447X30 JUNIORMINCIUNA David MOL RACING Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6350X30 JUNIORLOPES Afonso KR MOTORSPORT SRL Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
6290X30 JUNIORKOLARI UunoFORCE RACING FINLANDQualifying Heat B-DWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6293X30 JUNIORKREEFT Didier MEN Qualifying Heat B-DWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6261X30 JUNIORPINTO Bernardo READYTORACE  Qualifying Heat B-DWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6245X30 JUNIORTEIXEIRA Gabriela KR MOTORSPORT SRL Qualifying Heat B-DWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6218X30 JUNIORGALIMBERTI Andrea PANTANO RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat B-DWednesday - 15:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6173X30 JUNIORREDONDO DE BLAS Carolina AUTO CLUB RC2 VALLÈS Qualifying Heat A-EWednesday - 15:49+3s download
Statement: 3 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 3 sec penalty for partly leaving corridor (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
6049X30 JUNIORPERUZZI Leonidas FUSION MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat C-FWednesday - 15:51+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6057X30 JUNIOROWEN Archie BMR Qualifying Heat C-FWednesday - 15:51+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
609X30 JUNIORNIKISHOV Nikita ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat C-FWednesday - 15:51+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6017X30 JUNIORREILLY Scott VICTORY LANE  Qualifying Heat C-FWednesday - 15:51+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6026X30 JUNIORGENOLET Alexis LKM RACING Qualifying Heat C-FWednesday - 15:51+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6048X30 JUNIORMIFSUD Dario Joey KALI KART BY JORGE PESCADOR  Qualifying Heat C-FWednesday - 15:51+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
6069X30 JUNIOROLERT Max AD MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat C-FWednesday - 15:51+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
60128X30 JUNIORDEL PORTILLO HUMANES Jaime GM FUEL Qualifying Heat C-FWednesday - 15:51+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
5921X30 JUNIORRODRIGUES Jan VDK Qualifying Heat C-FWednesday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
58525X30 MINIPEREZ CABELLO Ruben EDMUNDO BONNETTQualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 14:36+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
57514X30 MINIPORTER Teddy-Jay JAMIE GREEN RACING Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 14:27+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
57543X30 MINICAMPOS GARCIA Alejandro SPIRIT RACING Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 14:27+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
56571X30 MINIVD COTERLET Julian FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 14:26+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for not respecting track limits (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
55544X30 MININEKMOUCHE Neil 2N RACING Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 14:21DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for bad manoeuvre (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
54554X30 MININOBS Mathis LKM RACING Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 14:07+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
54588X30 MINIPELFRENE TéoEKO Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 14:07+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
52406X30 MASTERCROSBIE Shane BRENNAN TECH Qualifying Heat 1Wednesday - 13:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
51406X30 MASTERCROSBIE Shane BRENNAN TECH Qualifying Heat 1Wednesday - 13:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec penalty for completly leaving corridor (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
50432X30 MASTERMONTEMAYOR Mauricio FUSION MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat 1Wednesday - 13:24+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
4934X30 JUNIORHAGELEN Devon Scuderia HagelenQualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:37+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
4858X30 JUNIORMARTINEZ Raul Luis ECK MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4883X30 JUNIORBARRY-BERG Marie  VDK Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4860X30 JUNIORBERND Emilio EB-SPORTPROMOTION Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4896X30 JUNIORVAN SCHEIJNDEL Bink FALCON Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4886X30 JUNIORPRUDENT Maxime  DREAM RACING  Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4874X30 JUNIORKARI Mikael TALVAR RACING Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
48101X30 JUNIORALANKO Kimi FORCE RACING FINLAND Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4840X30 JUNIORANJAIMAN Janna DREAM RACING  Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4760X30 JUNIORBERND Emilio EB-SPORTPROMOTION Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:35+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
4624X30 JUNIORBACHLER Jacob MDL MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:32+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
4524X30 JUNIORBACHLER Jacob MDL MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:30+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
4489X30 JUNIOROLIVER SANCHEZ Daniel TBKART RACING TEAM SRL Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 12:30+3s download
Statement: 3 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 3 sec penalty for partly leaving corridor (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
4317X30 JUNIORREILLY Scott VICTORY LANE  Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:14+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4323X30 JUNIORSENNA Meunier RSD RACING  Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:14+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4330X30 JUNIORGALE Toby  MDC RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:14+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4345X30 JUNIORTEIXEIRA Gabriela KR MOTORSPORT SRL Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:14+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
43103X30 JUNIORJOHNSTON Evan DMS Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:14+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4392X30 JUNIORGUYONNET Vivien SG DRIVERS Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:14+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4398X30 JUNIORPATEL Maayan CROC PROMOTION  Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:14+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4312X30 JUNIORGARROW Conrad ECK MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:14+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4319X30 JUNIORNÖLKEN Noah DUTT MOTORSPORT BY FENSTER.COM Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:14+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
4230X30 JUNIORGALE Toby  MDC RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:12+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
4198X30 JUNIORPATEL Maayan CROC PROMOTION  Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
3998X30 JUNIORPATEL Maayan CROC PROMOTION  Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 12:09+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for causing an incident (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
3881X30 JUNIORMALIK Nilas  VICTORYLANE KARTING Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
3826X30 JUNIORGENOLET Alexis LKM RACING Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
3887X30 JUNIORMELIS Matteo TBKART RACING TEAM SRL Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
38129X30 JUNIORSILKUNAITE Vanessa  VDK RACING Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
3872X30 JUNIORMACEDO Antonio Bruno MacedoQualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
3851X30 JUNIORMC LOUGHLIN Jack BRENNAN TECH  Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
3821X30 JUNIORRODRIGUES Jan VDK Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
3839X30 JUNIORSRYER AISSA Danyl MEGAKART DZ Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
3853X30 JUNIORASKELAND Joachim TEAM ASKELAND MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
3869X30 JUNIOROLERT Max AD MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
37203X30 SENIORPOLA FilippoZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 11:45+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
36207X30 SENIORGRANADA Marc MOL RACING Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 11:45+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
35278X30 SENIORMARTINEZ Juan Felipe ECK MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
35218X30 SENIORRUPPEN Timeo LKM RACING Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
35335X30 SENIORALATORRE Mariano MDC RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
35291X30 SENIORAARON Ferrazzano  EUROKARTING  Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
35307X30 SENIORBÄTTIG Chiara  VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
35303X30 SENIORMARCZAK Milan DFK Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
35203X30 SENIORPOLA FilippoZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
35238X30 SENIORFAHLKE Zino LAREA GT1 RACING Qualifying Heat A-BWednesday - 11:41+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
33290X30 SENIORPATEL Dylan PANTANO RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:41DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for underweight (art. 3.4 Sporting Regulations)
32323X30 SENIORBARRY-BERG Marius VDK Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:26+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
30265X30 SENIORTUDISCA Alessandro RSD KARTING Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
30213X30 SENIORBIRD LewisBMR Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
30261X30 SENIORGONZÁLEZ MORENO Eloi BIREL ART RACING Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
30296X30 SENIORHURTADO GONZALEZ Alberto GM FUEL Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
30206X30 SENIORBENNETT Cj  VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
30202X30 SENIORBUCKLEY Robbie CROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
30226X30 SENIORNASSAR Georges VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
30290X30 SENIORPATEL Dylan PANTANO RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
30231X30 SENIORGAUCI Kian ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
30332X30 SENIORRIBY HarveyCROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat C-DWednesday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29283X30 SENIORFERRARI Riccardo ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29329X30 SENIORTHOMPSON William VDK Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29246X30 SENIORLEE Kyuho EGP RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29217X30 SENIORRAMAEKERS Thibaut VDK Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29294X30 SENIORMIGUEL Silva PANTANO RACING TEAM  Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29247X30 SENIORCASTRO Diogo KR MOTORSPORT SRL Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29284X30 SENIORMICALLEF Jacob ZANCHI MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29267X30 SENIORMARTIN YanisDREAM RACINGQualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29340X30 SENIORGRAY Michael CROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29304X30 SENIORBOSTRÖM Maximilian AD MOTORSPORT Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29234X30 SENIORVIA NicoGM FUEL Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29220X30 SENIORMICALLEF Kyle KALI KART BY JORGE PESCADOR Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29331X30 SENIORGLUME Markus EUROKARTING  Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
29201X30 SENIORMARTÍ HugoJuan Ignacio MartíQualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
28222X30 SENIORWEISS Elia SIM-ON Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 11:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag after the session (art. 26.1 Sporting Regulations)
27249X30 SENIORMCQUEEN Caden CROC PROMOTION Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 10:58+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for not respecting flags signals (art. 2.15 H CIK General Prescriptions)
26204X30 SENIORNOUGUEYREDE Clovis RENAUX RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat E-FWednesday - 10:55+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session | Reason: 5 sec time penalty in the above mentioned session - Warning Flag (art. 24.2 Sporting Regulations)
25243X30 SENIORLUNDBØ William PAROLIN SPAIN Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25297X30 SENIORNYBERG Johannes Larsson KALI KART NORWAY Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25327X30 SENIORLASSOUED Mehdi KART 45 Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25317X30 SENIORSEAH Isaac JAMIE GREEN RACINGQualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25253X30 SENIORBIGI Alessandro VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25328X30 SENIORDORRESTIJN Eva PRIVATEER Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25346X30 SENIORKINARD Tyron  VDK RACING Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25260X30 SENIORVENET Francois-Xavier FX TEAM KARTING Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25232X30 SENIORBAKKER Kevin FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25342X30 SENIORCLERET Luna PANTANO RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25251X30 SENIORRADECK Maximiano VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25326X30 SENIORSACHSE Bertram FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25279X30 SENIORSMITH Joseph  VICTORY LANE Qualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
25272X30 SENIORJALADE Hugo VICTORY LANEQualifying Heat G-HWednesday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for incorrectly installed Front Fairing or incorrect position of front fairing.
24569X30 MINILØFSHUS Lucas Emiil GÅ`CO RACING Warm Up E-FWednesday - 09:41 download
Statement: Fine of 100 Euros | Reason: Fine of 100€ for missing transponder (art. 13.4 Championship Sporting Regulations)
18533X30 MININORDVANG Jenny Kvakkestad SK SERVICEQualifying Practice Group 2Tuesday - 16:34DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for working on the Pre-Grid (art. 2.19.F i CIK General Prescriptions)
16573X30 MINIELGAHOUDI Nahyl MDC RACING Qualifying Practice Group 2Tuesday - 16:101 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Cancellation of the (1)best lap from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Cancellation of the (1) best lap (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
15515X30 MINIGHARIB Kevin FALCON RACING TEAM Qualifying Practice Group 2Tuesday - 16:101 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Cancellation of the (1)best lap from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Cancellation of the (1) best lap (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
1454X30 JUNIORGJERDE Adrian PAROLIN SPAIN Qualifying Practice Group 3Tuesday - 15:361 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Cancellation of the best lap from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Cancellation of the best lap (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
10223X30 SENIORHIRSCH Niklas SIM-ON Qualifying Practice Group 3Tuesday - 14:351 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Cancellation of the best laps from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Cancellation of the best laps (art. 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
9256X30 SENIORSALLINEN Amanda FORCE RACING FINLAND Qualifying Practice Group 2Tuesday - 14:26DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from the above-mentioned Session | Reason: Disqualification for working on the Pre-Grid (art. 2.19.F i CIK General Prescriptions)
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